Chia (Salvia hispánica) is a plant of the labiatae family (Lamiaceae). It is an annual herbaceous, which can reach up to 2 meters in height. The leaves are between 4 and 8 cm long. long and 3 to 5 cm. Wide. The flowers are hermaphrodites, violet color. It flowers between July and August and is grown, especially in Mexico, Guatemala and Bolivia.
The Chia plant requires a tropical or sub-tropical climate. At the end of summer, the flowers give rise to a fruit in the form of an “indefensive achene”. The seed is rich in mucilage, starch and oil; It has about 2 mm. long by 1.5 mm. Wide. It is oval and lustrous, of pardogrisáceo color to dark brown.
– Source of Essential Fatty Acids
– Source of Antioxidants
– Complete protein source
– Source of Group B Vitamins and Minerals
– Antioxidant
– Anti-inflammatory,
– Anticarcinogenic
– Antiviral
– Laxative
– Cardiac and nervous tonic
– Mineralizing, vitamin and protein food
How to consume it
Chia seeds are easy to digest, their nutrients are quickly assimilated by the body. The most common way to eat chia is by mixing the seeds with water, juice or some liquid food, being able to absorb very quickly in less than 10 minutes a large amount of liquid between 9-12 times its volume.
It will form a gel that you can add to the smoothies, mix with salad dressings, desserts or simply take it by spoonfuls. To make the recipe of the gel mix 1/3 of a cup of seeds plus 2 cups of water and stir.
Quinoa is a very complete, nutritious and easily digested food. In the first place, it is rich in proteins, with around 16%, surpassing wheat, corn and, especially, rice. It possesses the 8 essential amino acids for the human being, among them lysine and methionine. It contains a high quality of unsaturated fatty acids Omega 9, Omega 6 and Omega 3, which help us to avoid the accumulation of cholesterol. Finally, quinoa is a good source of energy and dietary fiber and has significant amounts of minerals such as iron and zinc.
Gluten free
Quinoa does not contain gluten, so its consumption is recommended in any balanced and healthy diet, even for those who have an intolerance to this protein.
- Prevent osteoporosis
- Avoid malnutrition
- Detoxify and remineralize the organism
- Diabetics, since quinoa has a low glycemic index
- Prevent and improve hypertension
- Prevent cancer
- Encourage healthy development for children
Quinoa at all hours
La quinua suele emplearse en preparaciones similares a las del arroz. Es muy probable que tu primera incursión en este ingrediente sea (o haya sido) elaborar una ensalada fría a modo de tabulé o hacer un guiso con, por ejemplo, hortalizas y pollo. Sin embargo, las opciones son infinitas, desde sopas y rellenos hasta hacer bolas con ella y freírlas como si de buñuelos se tratase, o darles forma un poco más aplanada y consumirla como una saludable hamburguesa vegetariana. Y aún hay más: quinua como complemento de un buen muesli para el desayuno; harina de quinoa para panadería, respotería y salsas; o una borrachera con quinua bebiendo chicha, bebida alcohólica propia del centro y sur de América que puede elaborarse a partir de la fermentación de la quinua.
Quinoa is usually used in preparations similar to rice. It is very likely that your first foray into this ingredient is (or was) to make a cold salad as a tabulé or make a stew with, for example, vegetables and chicken. However, the options are endless, from soups and fillings to making balls with it and frying them as if they were fritters, or giving them a little flatter shape and consuming it as a healthy vegetarian burger. And there is still more: quinoa as a complement to a good muesli for breakfast; quinoa flour for bakery, respotería and sauces; or a drunkenness with quinoa drinking chicha, an alcoholic beverage typical of Central and South America that can be made from the fermentation of quinoa.
Nutritionally it contains a high quality protein, it is not deficient in any essential amino acid and it does not contain gluten. Its content in carbohydrates is lower than that of cereals, legumes and others. Its high fat content has a very caloric seed. Most fats are irreplaceable and monounsaturated, being greater than their content in omega-6, although it is also a significant amount of omega-9.
Benefits of sesame:
– Prevention of cardiovascular diseases
– Prevention of inflammatory diseases and regulator of the immune system
– Premenstrual syndrome and skin conditions.
– Strengthen hair and nails.
– Osteoporosis and menopause
– Stimulate concentration and memory
– Liquid retention
– Diabetes
Calcium Source
No less than 975 mg in every 100 grams, for example, a tablespoon of sesame seeds has 88 milligrams of calcium. Calcium not only helps the health of our bones, it also helps prevent migraines and reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
- Add sesame seeds to homemade bread, biscuits, sweets or muffins.
- Use sesame seeds in salads or vegetable dishes to give them more flavor and different texture.
- Add sesame seeds to the pasta
- Top the presentation of a plate of meat or fish with a little of this seeds.
Los Claveles Street # 17, Equipetrol,
Santa Cruz de la Sierra – Bolivia
+(591) (3) 343 5955
+(591) (3) 331 6187